Google Ads
on-demand webinar


Peter Geil, Senior Google Ads Specialist
Generaxion Denmark


Tobias Thaastrup-Leth, Head of Marketing
Generaxion Denmark

How to be successful with Google Ads

Set yourself and your business up for success with our Google Ads webinar.

For this webinar, you need little to no experience with Google Ads. On the other hand, you’d really like to learn more about creating effective ad campaigns on Google. The kind that hits the target audience right where and when it makes the most sense.

At the webinar, senior Google Ads specialist Peter Geil will give you some of his best Google Ads tips and tricks, and he will show examples from some of the companies that he has helped gain success through Google Ads.

What can I expect?

After the Google Ads webinar you have learned:

  • How to get started creating your own Google Ads campaigns
  • Which common fails to avoid when advertising
  • Techniques that you can use in your advertising

The webinar is free to attend and lasts approx. 1 hour.
Questions can be asked in the chatroom during the webinar.

Watch the webinar on-demand:

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