How to get leads from your website

Leads are what every marketing and sales department yearns for. Fortunately, it doesn’t take tons of experience to turn your website into a genuine lead generator. That said, don’t think that it’s just a matter of throwing a CTA somewhere randomly on your page – instead, be strategic.

We give you 8 tips to get started.

1. Where is the traffic coming from?

The first step is to find out where your online traffic is coming from. The most common places are email marketing, social media, live chat on your website and blog posts.

Once you know where users are coming from, you can start optimizing the pages they land on so you can maintain their interest.

2. Compare your landing pages

To create the best lead generators, you can compare the landing pages that generate the most leads with those that generate the least. Find the differences between them and try to implement some of the elements from the best performing ones.

3. Interplay is the key word

The journey from users to leads consists of several parts: landing page, CTA, thank you page and a kickback email – and they all must play together.

Eg. a user searches on ‘car wash’ and ends up on one of your articles regarding ’10 tips for keeping the car clean’. Here it is important that the article links to something related to the topic, so that you keep the user’s interest and get them converted correctly. The same goes for the thank you page and the kickback email the new lead receives – let them relate to the topic they converted on.

4. Matching CTAs

Call-to-actions are the ones that get the user to convert. Therefore, they also demand plenty of love. They must not be generic but relevant to the landing page in question. On your front page, you must e.g. have in mind that the users who land here are rarely ready to make a purchase, but instead need to get to know your business. Therefore, a CTA can be: “sign up for news” or “try the product for free”.

5. Blog posts that promote

Create a blog post on a topic that could interest your potential customers – this is where a keyword analysis within your industry can help. Once you have a handle on the topic, you design a report, white paper, e-book or similar that dives deeper into what you just wrote a blog post about. Users can then gain access in exchange for their contact information.

6. Use live chats

Live chats are one of the most used functions when users want to get to know your product or business. You can therefore install a live chat on the sites where your users spend the most time. While answering their questions, you can learn about their product desires – and maybe even convert them into leads.

7. Test, test, test

The best thing you can do when you need to find out what works is to test: compare pages that work and pages that don’t. Experiment with different page layouts, CTAs, images, video, copy and the like – and find out what performs best.

8. Nurture your leads

No leads magically become customers. They require work and care. Make sure you deliver content to them that matches their interest and needs. The more you communicate, the more you learn about them and the easier it becomes to target.

Get fresh leads

Then it’s just a matter of getting started using the above tips. If you’re still in doubt or having trouble getting it to work, let us give you a hand.