When we began our work with the skin specialists at SkinSense at the end of 2019, their webshop wasn’t the primary focus. Instead, it was simply a minor part of their business, the main initiative of which was their clinic in Herning (DK), where they offered treatments and selected products.

From local clinic to ambitious webshop
Despite not being a primary focus, ambitions surrounding the growth of their webshop were present. They were already thinking about expanding their sales nationally – and we saw significant potential. Their expertise in and knowledge about skin products and effective skin treatment provided both a different and compelling shopping experience. Therefore, we began with Google Ads – and the results arrived shortly after.
Strategic work – with results
After an introductory dialogue with SkinSense, the focus was placed on Shopping Ads and a strategic price reduction on selected key brands. Thanks to those decisions, the conversion rate, and ROAS increased significantly over a short period of time. SkinSense’s online revenue was now scalable through, among other things, a gradual and controlled increase in budget.
The product selection was also expanded, with brands chosen based on search word analysis and the skin specialists’ skills within the field. And within a year of the Google Ads work, results had already become visible. It was therefore time to enhance additional marketing channels.

SoMe ads and a new webshop
With a continuous increase in marketing channels, the growth potential of SkinSense kept increasing thanks to the synergy between the different platforms. Now, their Google Ads would be supported by their new Facebook and Instagram Ads – and inverse.
The new ads on Facebook and Instagram sped up the growth, with various campaigns that utilized Facebook Pixel data to bring home incomplete sales. And despite the challenges regarding tracking through Facebook presented by iOS 14 and 15, the initiatives still resulted in significant development.

In the middle of 2021, we helped SkinSense launch their new webshop, which has only accelerated their results. And the shared ambitions about further increasing their online revenue growth continue to develop – in 2022 as well.
We knew that it was an ambitious plan to make large bets on our webshop and online ads. But we were not in doubt about the potential of increasing our reach. With Generaxion, we turned our digital marketing up to a level that brought significant results already at the beginning of our teamwork. They understood our wishes and the vision behind SkinSense, creating a solid foundation for a good and effective process.
Vicki Dupont, Skinsense

Results from webshop
465 %Increase in online revenue from 2020 to 2021
146 %Increase in conversion rate
57 %Increase in ROAS