Quick Tech

What we did: Content, Visual identity, Website

Quick Tech were looking forrenewal. Therefore, together with Quick Tech, we created a new visual identity and developed a new, modern website.

High-quality security technology

Quick Tech is an expert in security devices and systems. A small company that has been operating in the field for a long time, supplying high-quality door phone systems as well as camera and access control systems to both new and renovated properties. The company helps its customers with everything from planning to installation and maintenance.

Quick Tech needed a renewal of its corporate image and wanted to replace an outdated online service with a new website that supports this new image. When designing the visual identity, the goal was for the company to reflect simplicity, clarity and reliability.

A subtle reference

When designing the look, we wanted to leave room for images of the company’s products, which are known to be important for different target groups, such as construction companies, building societies and property owners when choosing security solutions for properties.

This goal had a central influence on the design of the logo – the logo consists of a simple, elegant name and the recording symbol (REC) added to the letter Q, which gives the logo a subtle reference to a surveillance camera.

A stylish corporate look

Through dialogue and check-ins, Quick Tech actively participated in the design phases of the visual identity and the various aspects of the online service. Common guidelines for the logo, the visuals of the online service and the content plan were quickly found – with the help of the mood board prepared by our graphic designers.

The result is a stylish and confidence-inspiring visual identity that contributes to building a corporate image and customer acquisition. The company’s new digital home base is a managed, easy-to-maintain WordPress online service that works significantly more effectively than its predecessor.