From brand new webshop to ad-supported e-commerce with clear results. In a time when webshops faced significant headwinds. Through ongoing dialogue, where both parties made specific demands to each other, together with Paustian Fashion we created a complete strategy for their webshop.

New webshop – new measures
The Danish design and furniture house Paustian was founded in 1964 and thus has more than 50 years of experience in the Danish design universe. When they started the collaboration with us, Paustian Fashion had just got a new webshop up and running, which should continue to be the customers’ first digital meeting with their carefully selected fashion range.
It was therefore about increasing the webshop’s visibility on Google, so that the number of visitors could increase – and conversions could increase. The solution was tailored and targeted Google Ads.

Progress despite resistance
At a time when many webshops are experiencing headwinds, one could easily have feared a limited return on marketing initiatives that focused specifically on the webshop. But with strategically planned Google Ads, Paustian Fashion not only managed to maintain the level – it also managed to achieve an increase in results.
And the results showed quickly. With targeted ads, they got a ROAS of over 13, as well as a clear increase in sales from the webshop. A testimony that strategically planned marketing is the most important player in the fight for conversions.

Ambitions, expectations, and close dialogue
Sharp communication and ongoing advice were paramount in the collaboration with Paustian Fashion. Both parties set ambitious but achievable demands to each other so that the optimal results could be achieved. And after the significant results from the Google Ads campaigns, Facebook Ads have now also become a part of their strategy.
From the start, there has been good and efficient communication between us and Generaxion. They understood the expectations we had for the process – and they were clear about what they expected from us in return, so that the goal could be reached. And we could quickly see that the strategy we put together showed results. So now we just look forward to seeing the continued development.
Anne Søndergaard Madsen (Sales Manager, Paustian Fashion)