Kebony Denmark

What we did: Video

Natural, durable, and sustainable wood for outdoor production and design. As the leading global brand in modified wood, Kebony Denmark was looking for a selection of videos presenting their work and vision. In not just one, but five different languages.

Pointing the lens at the quality

Kebony produces high quality wooden boards, cladding, and more with natural and aesthetic wood. The cornerstone of Kebony’s brand is therefore the material. The sustainable foundation provides the wood with a natural beauty that demands to be seen. The focus was therefore not just obvious – it was made to be filmed.

Through a combination of aesthetic close-ups and skilled workers in action, we assembled a video that focused on the high quality.

Multilingual marketing

Kebony has a global vision of reducing CO2-emissions through sustainable wood. With their global angle, it was therefore essential that their digital visibility was able to cross borders.

The solution was to develop the videos so that we could localize them in Norwegian, English, German, French, and Danish.

Our core value is simple: positive impact everyday. Generaxion provided us with aesthetic videos that highlight just that. In picture and in text. In a way that matches our brand. With the video in five different languages, we have also further strengthened our focus on global marketing.

Mona Sørensen, Country Manager (Kebony Denmark)