Where to start?
As a webshop, you must first and foremost generate traffic to your site. You need to be found, stand out from the competition and be chosen. But how do you choose exactly the platforms or the form of advertising that is best for you?
Digital success can be created in many different ways. And few companies have the resources to take the lead in all disciplines and platforms. Instead of throwing yourself into every conceivable opportunity from the start, one should invest in where the most value is created for the company.

A digital strategy
In close collaboration with AndPants, Generaxion developed a digital strategy based on existing efforts, collected data from the industry and competitor analyses. The purpose was to identify and select the activities where the desired goal could be achieved within the budget.
AndPants already had an agency in charge of their digital marketing and was already generating revenue. But earnings were limping. After analyzing their PPC advertising and ROAS (Return On Ad Spend), it became clear how the potential could be optimized.
When we make a digital strategy, we look at which platforms and activities are the most obvious. What generates the most revenue relative to the budget? Here, it is my experience that a collaboration built on a solid analysis preparation has the best prerequisites. And that the company typically performs better – faster.
Christian Bruun-Thomsen, Strategy Specialist for AndPants.com
Improved ROAS in three months
Based on the digital strategy, we found that we could actually cut down on the advertising budget, but still increase revenue. Just by making some optimizations. For AndPants, this meant that already three months into the process, they could see a clear improvement in the results from their Google advertising compared to the same period the year before. And at a cheaper price.
The desire for a raised ROAS thus became a reality, and their traffic campaigns today generally perform much better across the board.

Results Google Ads
The first three months – compared to the same period the year before
Increase in revenue195 %
Increase in CTR (Click-Through Rate)37 %
Increase in ROAS108 %
Increase in conversion rate65 %
Ongoing dialogue and optimization
As the collaboration develops – and AndPants grow – the range of marketing activities has steadily expanded. Where they started out with Google Ads, today there are also SoMe ads and a new webshop on the way.
The team of specialists who have been in charge of our marketing from the start knows the business. And we know them. In everyday life, this means that we have a close dialogue and are 100% confident in each other’s areas of competence. This makes the collaboration not only much more efficient, but at the same time also pleasant.
Laura Laursen, AndPants
The fact that the strategy has been made and rolled out does not mean that the choices made are written in stone. The relationship between specialists and the people behind AndPants is close and constant, and therefore, opportunities for improvement are constantly being looked at. In this way, we make sure that we steer in the right direction. At all times.